Monday, November 28, 2011

212 Degrees

     Earlier this year, my principal shared a video about water boiling.  Basically, water won't boil until it reaches 212 degrees, not 211, but 212.  So, why not give an extra degree of ourselves?
     Well, that's exactly what I'm attempting.  This blog is for YOU!  The "loving adults" of our future.  My goal is to provide you with insights of what's happening in the classroom, as well as, tips for engaging your child at home. 
     This is stepping way out of my comfort zone, but I promise to give you my best.  Please be patient, and I am eager for feedback.  For the moment, I plan to blog at least once a week. 
       Here is your first learning adventure.  Reading is not just the ability to read the words. The reader must completely understand what they are reading to be an effective reader.  Simply answering the 5 W's and H can demonstrate understanding.

      Lastly, a big shout-out to my colleagues Mrs. Delk's General Delk's Army and Ms. Leahy's Fabulous in First for taking the first steps in blogging at Clifton Hills Elementary. 
     Check back soon for more!